Tuesday, March 19, 2013

A Roc & A Hard place

    Well to day went some what ok i am not complaining i am venting, i feel like since i have matured when i had kids its like everyone has seemed to not understand the reason to muture is to progress why is it i feel that when some people have kids they regress. the fact that i no longer think of my self and really treat myself to things since i had kids ihave been going down hill it was a fun ride but now im ready to go up the next hill or mountin lets look at the growth or the start to think about others.
  when i was younger and had no kids i was selfish and if i messed up it was ok because i could bounce back no problem but since i have had kids and start thinking like an adult and feeling a lot more pressure on myself  because my action now affect me and my little ones so i have to do what that old adege says mesure 10 times and cut once so that adds a lot of no mistakes on my part so that brings me to this poit i am always at a catch 22 every time its like im the only person who wants me to succeed. lets me take you through my lates catch 22  ok since i lost everything i have been getting up paying things off getting me back to me but its like im not suppose to have money or live is it because i dont have a job that people get mad at me i guess they feel that i am a moocher well so but have they lost what i lost no have they did what i did no but they have all the information in the world on the subject. word of advice to my readers it is a struggle so keep it up if you want it noone can stop you and that is the point that i am at.
  situation i owe child support and i say so it is not their time for me to pay them what they are doing is making it even harder for me to get my kids colthing and pay my bills when they feel like they are doing something so i feel that i can make a case aginst them their is no way they should tell you that you can and cant get your money why this is what they fail to realize i put money in my account and i have my kid that i am going to pay child support on and we have a fun filled day planned but guess what we cant go anywhere why because child support froze my accounts oooh they also suspended my drivers lisence how did i find out when a cop pulled me over and took me to jail and i get out and i call child support and the tell me we will have a hold on your accounts for a hole year or until you pay your rears.
    now that is a catch 22 right i know so what do you do you feel like you have no right no nothing because a court order says that you have to pay this now your like that is how it works the law can take what it want when it wants because they also use the IRS to collect their money so now you feel like it was taken from me i can take it from someone else because that is what it taught me because you have to get some money so you can live but they dont care and when you do pay it back and you start getting a head all the mother has to do is go back to child support and say i need more is that fair no its not and the judge would proble grant them what they ask for  like you dont have your kids all the time no its not happining with me i want a case against child support and i want to freeze their accounts because all their saying is you should take care of your kids i do and i do it well.
      see people get mad at me because they feel i did not work hard enough for whear im at in life well my answer to them you did not go throught whit i went through but you can judge me and give me your opinion when i didnt asked for it, i know but everyone wants to give you a pep talk i dont need a pep talk what i need is money and lots of it give me a pep talk when i ask you because that is one part of growing up learning when to ask for help and you do that and you dont get it puts you in a place where  you feel you dont need anybody, its funny when your in limbo and you try to go somewhere and you cant move your stuck in the air in one place trying to move.

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