Monday, November 12, 2012

Growing up

     Well today is 11-12-2012 and what has been going on with me is getting things in order and its funny how people do not understand that how its we did it your way and this happen but everyone knows that humans are self bias meaning their idea is better than someone else but through all that I have been finding things to do like going to classes and seminars and having all my kids.
     I have been doing a lot of grocery shopping and its hard going to more then one store to get a deal to streach the little bit of money you do get its very hard work but do I think its worth it yes and no. Feeding your kids snacks and lunch breakfest its very hard but here are a few things you can do breakfest keep milk and cereal, eggs pancake mix, butter, cheese, bacon, bagels, and cream cheese spred, that's just breakfest when your on a budget. Things you should keep for lunch soups, noodools cold cuts juice, bread, hotdogs , and some snacks, spigettie o's and the chef, that's lunch on a budget and dinner well I like to keep a lot of hamburger helper when you are on a budget these things are a must have. You can get these things at a dollar store and your local grocery store all the items I listed are for when you have a family and you have a limited budget. That is the grocery shipping I have been doing some things I did not mention is rice and oats and when you don't eat all of your dinner it can be lunch for the next day or you can have a leftover day in the middle of the week or what day you prefer. Now the couple classes I took had a lot of information now the thing is I hope I know the right time t use this information that I learned. But that is about it blancing family ,work, fun, and time for self this is very important you have to take that daily.